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Session Two

Awareness of, and empathy to, what it means to be a refugee

Ability and confidence to recognise, and challenge non- factually based opinions and perceptions of refugees which support intolerance  


Learning Objectives: To use features of a diary entry

Success Criteria:  I can write in first person and past tense

              I can organise my writing in paragraphs

              I can use informal language

              I can express emotions and opinions


  • 1 x Lesson plan and teaching script

  • 1 x PowerPoint slides

  • 4 x Resources

Session Two resources: Projects
lesson plan session 2.png

Session Two: Lesson plan and teaching script

2 session pp slides 1.png

Session Two: PowerPoint slides

S 2 resource a headlines.png

Session Two: Resources
2a) Headlines

2 session 2b script.png

Session Two: Resource 2b) Script

2 session 2c scenarios.png

Session Two: Resource 
2c Scenarios

2 session 2d Refugees Poem by Brian Bilston.png

Session Two: Resource 2d)
Refugees Poem
by Brian Bilston

Session Two resources: Projects

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