KS2 Refugee Awareness, Teaching Resources
Based on "The Boy at the Back of the Class" by Onjali Q. Rauf
These free resources were produced for schools in Barking and Dagenham, Bexley, Havering and Redbridge for the Whose Chair? Project funded by the Mayor of London's Shared Endeavour Fund.
They have been designed to support the delivery of the curriculum, including PHSE and English. They are based on the Book "The Boy at the Back of the Class" by Onjali Q, Rauf.
These five sessions come with a set of teaching plans, slides and resources, which are free to down
The project outcomes are:
To develop awareness and understanding of refugees
To understand how opinions can be formed, and influenced
To understand how non-factual opinions and perceptions can lead to intolerance and hatred.​
To know how to stand up to intolerance and hatred in a safe. resilient and constructive way

Teaching Resources
Click on sessions